How to choose colours and fonts that fit your brand and company logo?

Abhishek V
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Building a successful brand can be a crucial component of success in business. Even if you have the best product available, you won't succeed if customers don't know who you are. But you may create something from nothing via online promotion. Having said that, no one can dispute the critical function a strong branding agency plays in attaining a large sales volume.

Any industry's success depends on branding. Although there are various ways to advertise your business, strong branding services have long been shown to increase sales. It is not enough to only offer the finest product or service. It will be harder to succeed in business if your target market does not identify with your brand.

4 Best Practices For Selecting Colors & Fonts to Fit Your Brand

The colours and font that a brand uses dictate how it influences its audience. It is important to choose them carefully so that they can properly represent your company.

Numerous well-known businesses are recognisable for both their fonts and colours. For instance, Coca-Cola uses a recognisable script typeface that is well-known to people of all ages. Starbucks, on the other hand, is associated with a rich forest green. Because both businesses have mastered the art of branding, the world is familiar with their brand designs.

When attempting to choose the best colour for your brand, there are a number of things to take into account. These consist of combinations, trends, industry standards, and emotional responses.

The step in selecting the ideal colour scheme is understanding what colours imply.

1. Select Your Inspiration

Understand what inspired you to start your business. Pose the following inquiries to yourself: What information about your company do you want others to know? Concerning your vision and mission? Will the typefaces and colours you're considering convey the message you want to? Once you have the answer to these questions, you will be able to move forward in the process.

2. Emotional Reaction

It is common knowledge that first impressions matter. This is also true of colours, so choosing one requires considerable thought. Colours elicit feelings and emotions. According to research, up to 90% of shoppers form a first opinion of a brand simply by its colours. In other words, they influence whether or not customers choose to engage with your brand.

Successful colour schemes were not accidental for brands. They conducted a thorough study and effectively utilised colour. For example, you associate red with Nestle or Coca-cola, blue with Perk, and white with Apple.

The first step in selecting the ideal colour scheme is understanding what colours imply.

Red is a colour often linked with love and passion, but it may also evoke ideas of adventure, excitement, and violence.

Pink Anything feminine, loving, young, and pleasant is associated with the colour.

Orange is a symbol of production, achievement, tenacity, and energy.

White is a colour that denotes simplicity, cleanliness, and purity.

Purple has a long history of being connected to aristocracy, prosperity, spirituality, and creativity.

Brown symbolises the natural world, dependability, strength, and simplicity.

3. Combinations

There is also interaction between colours. Combining two complementary hues is enough to draw attention. To get the greatest combination, choose a primary colour for your brand and then match it with complementary hues. To avoid conflicts between appearance and meaning, you can always resort to the colour meanings.

4. Consider over font styles

Choose between a traditional and a modern typeface. Serif fonts are older-style. These fonts are typically simpler to read since they contain little lines extending from each letter. San serif fonts are thought to be more contemporary because they don't have thin lines extending the letters.

Consider the type of customer you want to draw as well. Pick a font that embodies the principles of your business. Serif typefaces, which have straight edges, can convey professionalism, while soft, curly fonts can convey your company's friendliness and approachability. You could wish to use two different fonts: one for easy-to-read text blocks and one for logos and headlines.

Use the same typefaces and colours throughout all of your marketing initiatives, whatever you decide, to make it simple for clients to identify you. According to estimates, colour enhances brand recognition by 80%. The typeface you select can be extremely important for drawing in your desired target audience and conveying meaning and tone. When you take the aforementioned factors into account, you will discover the ideal colours and fonts for your business, and you should also get those details from a web design company.

A Brand Style Guide: What Is It?

An easy way to apply your brand identity to whatever material you write is to present the documentation of your brand identity in a format called a style guide. It's a toolset to assist you in presenting a consistent, unified brand to the world, from your logo to your brand voice.

1. Your brand style guide should begin with a compelling brand story.

2. To establish a memorable brand trademark, follow logo guidelines.

3. In your brand style guide, mention your company's primary colour scheme.

4. Pick fonts that go with your visual aesthetic.

5. Select a brand voice.

6. Include standards for images and data visualisation in your brand style guide.

What is a Branding Strategy?

A business plan's brand strategy describes how the organisation will establish rapport and favorability with the market. In order for customers to choose your company over the competition, your brand strategy must become memorable in their eyes.

A brand strategy that is clearly defined and well implemented affects all aspects of a company's operations and is strongly tied to consumer wants, sentiments, and market competition.

Let's begin by addressing the largest myth around brand strategy: Your brand is not just your name, logo, website, or products.

Your brand consists of everything mentioned above and more; it is the intangible elements. Your brand is that elusive emotion that distinguishes memorable brands from powerful ones.

Product Branding Strategy

The application of branding strategy principles to a particular item or product is known as product branding. To give a product a distinctive identity, a symbol, name, and design are associated with it. Product branding can be extremely complicated, involving focus groups, numerous design iterations, and other factors.


If you are looking for professionals to help you with branding, Mellow Designs can help you with that. We at Mellow Designs work towards bringing forth your brand's potential to the fullest. Moreover, our professionals will help your brand with colour schemes and typefaces for effective branding.

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